Saturday, October 3, 2009


Whew, My human has really got a case of the ASS today. It seems as if he posted a blog about some sweet deal and got no comments. Ha, what a baby. I almost reminded him that I got a comment on my very first ever blog post, but I didn't want to make him cry. Humans are so stupid! We cats don't need much interaction. We are perfectly fine hangin by ourselves most of the time. We wouldn't think of letting each other believe we were upset about not getting a post comment! We like our humans to know that we are the kings of the castle and cannot be bothered with their foolishness. Except when we're hungry. Oh yes scratch me behind the ears and I will purr like I really enjoy it, the reality is that my ears are freaking starving. Purr Purr Luv Luv now FEED MEEEEE!

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